Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Life Lately: San Diego

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! This post is long overdue, but I wanted to share photos from my trip to San Diego earlier this month. The weather was perfect every day we were there and it was so nice visiting my sister and seeing my dad who flew out there from Wisconsin!

My dad rented a 2015 Mustang convertible which was awesome since my Mustang is still in the shop from last month's accident! San Diego is the perfect place to ride around in a convertible.

On my first day there, my sister took my dad and I to Coronado to ride bikes around the island. Here's a little known fact about me: I'm terrified of riding bikes. I flipped over the handlebars of one in middle school, bit a hole straight through my lip and needed plastic surgery, so I do not get on a bicycle unless it's absolutely necessary. My sister reassured me that I'd be fine on the bike paths, and I'm glad she did! It was such a beautiful, fun and freeing way to explore the island.

Oh, and the fact that they had a pink bike didn't hurt!

With my dad and sister. Why didn't I get the height gene?!

Since my sister has two roommates, my dad and I decided to rent a two bedroom house on Airbnb. The house was awesome, and my favorite part was the zen-like outdoor structure that had a tub and shower. It was sooo relaxing to bring a cup of tea and a magazine outside and just chill out!

The second day there was absolutely beautiful - almost 80 and sunny - so we decided to spend it at the beach! My new lace coverup c/o Zinke was perfect for this trip.

I hadn't been to an amusement park in years, so my sister and her friend Pam took me to Belmont Park on Mission Beach. We had a blast riding the old wooden roller coaster and even went on some upside down rides!

Easter Sunday was my last full day there, and my dad surprised me by hiding a candy egg in my morning tea cup! :)

Then we visited the gorgeous Balboa Park, which is a huge outdoor space filled with beautiful architecture, gardens, restaurants, museums and more. It's also where I shot the last two outfits you saw on the blog! If you ever go to San Diego, Balboa Park was a must see. I'll definitely be back when I visit my sister again!

Here, my sister and I are just showing how photogenic we always are.

For my last night there, my sister's boyfriend took us all out to dinner at an amazing restaurant called Cannonball right on the beach where we could watch the sun set. The views were stunning, the food was fantastic, and the decor couldn't be beat - they had huge comfy couches everywhere with little fire pits! It may have been the highlight of my trip, so I definitely recommend this place if you're in town!

Keep an eye out for this outfit coming to the blog soon! :)


  1. What a wonderful trip! It would have been hard leaving that outdoor shower!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. wowowo you really had an amazing holiday!!!! love the white mustang and the pink bicycle ;)



  3. San Diego has been as exciting as can be lately with all that has been happening in my life. From the beautiful sunsets on the sandy seashore to the vibrant cultural events in the downtown area, there is something new and exciting happening in America’s Finest City every day, Keep it up! You are definitely the best content writer in pakistan, and you have an inexhaustible potential. I am therefore looking forward to reading more of your interesting articles on life in San Diego.
