Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Taking a little break...

Hi everyone! You may have noticed that things have been a little quieter around here lately...I've had so much going on that blogging has had to take a bit of a backseat. Aside from getting in a car accident {I'm thankfully okay, but my car will be in the shop for a few weeks at least,} everything has been exciting and fun. With pageant season in full swing, I've been keeping busy with my role on the Miss Boston board both attending and judging pageants all over Massachusetts almost every weekend, as well as chaperoning our Miss Boston for the St. Patrick's Day parade in Southie!

I've also been busy as the co-chair of the Animal Rescue League's Young Professionals group - if you haven't already, now's the time to join because we have lots of fun events coming up for the spring and summer!

I have an brand new job that I'll be starting next month, and I'll be sharing the details with you as soon as I'm able. All I can say right now is that it's essentially my dream job and I am over the moon excited about it!!! :)

I'm off to visit my sister in San Diego tomorrow, but I do have a new outfit post coming your way, so stay tuned for that! I'll be back to blogging next week when I've returned home and things have quieted down a bit, but make sure you're following me on Instagram so you can see photos from my trip to sunny California! Thanks for sticking with me during this busy period in my life! :)


  1. Congratulations on the new job and hope you have a great time in San Diego!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Congrats on the new job! Can't wait to hear about it--have a safe trip to SD!

  3. Congrats on the new job!! And sucks about the car accident. Hope you get your car back soon!

    xo - Sheila

  4. Everything looks like so much fun! You've been busy but it looks like you're enjoying yourself ;)

    xo, Jen

  5. Congratulations on the new job, and I hope you have a great time in San Diego!! xo  I recently joined this job, but I left it because my studies were started, then I joined a university. The professor gave me a coursework first, I completed the Coursework , then I re-joined this job.
